
ENVX2001 Applied Statistical Methods

Dr. Januar Harianto

The University of Sydney

Feb 2024

Acknowledgement to Country

The University of Sydney is on Gadigal Country. We acknowledge their ongoing connection to and ownership of this land and pay our respects to past, present and emerging leaders.


Staff | Structure | Attendance


Aaron Greenville

Liana Pozza

Januar Harianto

Mathew Crowther


Check Canvas



Tue 10 AMChemistry Lecture Theatre 1

Wed 11 AMChemistry Lecture Theatre 3


Self-guided sessions (1 hour), to be completed before the week’s lab.


All labs are held in the South Eveleigh Precinct (more on this later):

  • Thursday 9 am – 12 pm
  • Friday 10 am – 1 pm, 2 pm – 5 pm


Attendance is mandatory for labs and we hope to see you in person for Lectures!

South Eveleigh Precinct

Used to be known as the Australian Techonlogy Park (ATP). Still is, but it used to, too.

Biomedical Building

Credit: Michael Wheatland




Courtesy buses are available:

  • Best option is to take the bus from Fisher Library to Redfern Station, then walk to the precinct (through the new station platform as “local traffic”).
  • Alternatively, direct buses are available – but less frequent.


Free parking is available around Henderson Road, but it is extremely crowded. We do not recommend driving to the precinct.

Why study statistics?

Doesn’t seem relevant to my degree…

Learn, so you can…

  • Conduct effective research; but if you are not a researcher, you can still…
  • Critically evaluate research findings; but if you don’t plan to read scientific literature, you can still…
  • Make informed decisions based on evidence and know the signs when someone is trying to mislead you.

Source: Anchorman (2004)

But, why R?

Mechanical stress on plant tissue


Climate stripes


Doing well

Attend all lectures | Put in the hours | Ask questions

Attend ALL lectures

Attending a lecture is not the same as watching a recording…

  • You can ask questions and interact with your peers.
  • Your lecturer actively adjusts the pace/conten based on your informal feedback (e.g. confused looks, Google polls).
  • If you don’t understand something, there is a good chance that you can address it before the next lecture or lab.

Put in the hours

  • This is a 6 credit point unit, which means that you are expected to spend 130 – 150 hours in total, including exam prep time (~10 h per week)!
  • Practice makes perfect. Tutorials and Labs help you apply the concepts you learn in lectures – complete all the exercises, and practice with the bonus questions provided.

Ask questions

  • Ed is the best place to ask questions. We are way more responsive on Ed than on email.
  • You may ask ChatGPT if you are stuck, or need help to understand something more general.
  • We have drop-in sessions, where you can jump in and have a chat on Zoom. We will announce the schedule on Ed.

Let’s get started!


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